Portfolio (Multi-Entity) Reports

How to Create Consolidated Portfolio Reports in Docyt.

Portfolio reports provide comparative data analysis between two or more businesses in your portfolio.

  1. To access the Portfolio Reports feature, navigate to the Dashboard and click on the drop-down menu at the Portfolio level in the top left corner. From there, select 'Reports.'

    Screenshot 1946-05-23 at 5.53.43 PM-1

  2.  Choose the specific business for which you wish to generate the report. After the report is prepared, click on the three dots to download it in Excel format.


3.    You have the option to customize the report according to your specific needs, such as including financial figures (e.g., current revenue, previous year's revenue), metrics related to occupancy rates, availability, or percentage breakdowns.


4.   Click on Update to generate the report.

5.  Now you can export the report in excel selecting the chosen months.   


6.  A pop will appear and your report is ready for export.


7.  To access the report click on "Data Export" in pop menu .    

8.  Select the "Proceed" button to continue.


9.  The report will begin to display in the Excel window.


Report in Excel format with drill-down options


Don't have Portfolio Reports set up? Click here for instructions or contact support@docyt.com