Accounts Payable
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Vendor Module Access and Control in Docyt

Efficient management of vendor information is crucial for smooth business operations. Docyt offers three permission levels to control access and responsibilities within the Vendors feature. Understanding these permission levels ensures accurate vendor data management.

Vendor's Permission Levels:

  1. None: Users with this level of access do not have any permissions to view or manage the Vendor's data, including vendor contact details, payment terms, and transaction history.
  2. Viewer: Users with this level of access can view the Vendor's data, including vendor contact details, payment terms, and transaction history.
  3. Admin: Users with this level of access have complete control over the Vendor's data. They can view, edit, and manage vendor information, including adding new vendors, updating vendor details, deleting vendors if necessary, managing vendor payments, pushing vendors to additional businesses, and tracking vendor transaction history.

Vendor Expense Report Access:

Click here for instructions on how to access the vendor expense report.

Please note that this feature is exclusive to select Docyt Plans. If you encounter access issues, please reach out to for assistance.

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