Setup & Configuration

How to Utilize Management Groups in Docyt

Understanding Management Groups in Docyt

Management Groups in Docyt offer a practical way to consolidate different businesses under a unified platform. The Financial Institution Connection Center in Docyt utilizes these Management Groups to provide a streamlined approach to accessing the relevant financial institution connections for the Docyt businesses you're authorized to manage.

User Permissions

Business Employee User View:

  • If you are a business employee user for all businesses listed on your dashboard, you will not see the option to add a new management group in the global settings.

Business Admin User View:

  • If you are a business admin user for at least one business, you will still see the "+ New Management Group" icon.

These settings guarantees that only users with administrative privileges can oversee and establish new management groups, thus safeguarding sensitive bank accounts and information from being accessed by business employees who do not have the necessary authorization.

How to Configure Your Management Group in Docyt

  1. Log into your Docyt account.
  2. Navigate to your Docyt Business.
  3. Click on the 'Settings' option in the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the 'Management Group' tab from the left navigation menu.
  5. Click on the blue '+ New Management Group' button at the top of the screen.
    Screenshot 1946-03-31 at 3.24.42 PM
  6. In the 'Create New Management Group' pop-up window, enter a suitable name for your management group. Then, click 'Save'.

7. A success banner will show up, indicating a new management group has been created.Screenshot 1946-03-31 at 3.11.12 PM