For Quick Service Restaurants

QSR Owner's Report

Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) Owner's report is an Income Statement

Table of Contents

Accessing the Report

  1. Sign in to your Docyt account.
  2. Select 'Business Reports' from the top navigation menu. Choose 'Management Reports' from the dropdown.
  3. Locate and click 'Owner's Report' on the Management Reports page.
  4. Set the report parameters as needed, such as time period. Generate and scrutinize the report for valuable revenue performance and financial insights.

Note: This report is limited to select Docyt Plans. For assistance, email

To export your report to Excel or PDF Format

  • Generate and review the desired report in Docyt.
  • To export your report to Excel or PDF format, go to the top right corner of the report page and find the three-dots menu icon (...). Click on the three dots to reveal the menu options, and from there, select 'Export as Excel' or 'Export as PDF'.

  • A notification will appear, indicating that the report can be downloaded from the 'Data Export' section of Docyt.
  • To download the report, navigate to the 'Data Export' section by clicking the 'Data Export' link in the notification. Click the ellipsis menu on the 'Data Export' page and select the 'Download' option.

Understanding the Report Content

The QSR Owner's Report consists of:

  • Sales: Food and beverage sales revenue streams for the current period and year-to-date sales figures.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Direct costs related to the production of food items sold to customers.
  • Gross Profit (Loss): Gross Profit (Loss): The net profit or loss of your QSR business, calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from the total revenue.
  • Labor Cost: Costs linked to the employment and compensation of Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) staff.
  • Prime Cost (COGS + Labor): A comprehensive evaluation of operational efficiency that includes the total cost directly associated with the production of food and beverages. This encompasses both the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and the labor costs involved in the preparation and serving of menu items.
  • Operating Costs: Ongoing expenses associated with the day-to-day operations of a business, including bank and credit card fees, supplies, and payroll fees.
  • Occupancy Costs: Expenditures related to the occupation of the physical space in which the restaurant operates, encompassing utilities, rent, and property taxes.
  • Net Profit (Loss): The final profit or loss remaining after taking into account all revenue, expenses, and taxes incurred during a specific period.

Advantages of the Report

  • By offering a comprehensive view of your sales, costs, and profit margins, the Owner's Report empowers you to make tactical adjustments that could optimize your revenue streams.
  • The Owner's Report equips you with strategic financial insights that could potentially transform your Quick Service Restaurant's profitability trajectory.

What to do if your report data is not accurate

  • Consult with your Docyt Account Manager for guidance and resolution.
  • For general support inquiries, email Docyt support at for assistance in troubleshooting and resolving discrepancies.