Revenue Integration & Reconciliation
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Revenue Center Permission Levels in Docyt


The Revenue Center plays a crucial role in tracking and managing revenue data in your organization. Docyt offers distinct permission levels to control access and responsibilities within this module. Understanding these permission levels ensures proper management of revenue-related information.

- To view permission levels, click on Settings from the top navigation menu and go to Business Employees. Scroll down to select permission levels for Revenue Center.”

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Revenue Center Permission Levels:


    • Cannot access or view any information related to the Revenue Center. Users with this level have no permission to view or manage Revenue Center data.


    • Can access and view Revenue Center data, as well as upload new report data. Users with this level can view Revenue Center data and upload new report data.


    • Can view, verify, and manage revenue data in the Revenue Center with complete control and access. Users with this level have full control over Revenue Center data.

Click here to view a step-by-step guide for how to add users in Docyt and configure permissions.

Please note that this report is exclusive to select Docyt Plans. If you encounter access issues, please reach out to for assistance.