Cheat Sheets

Responsibility Breakdown for Business Owners

The chart outlines the responsibilities of Docyt and the various tasks that can be delegated to different roles within your business.
Responsibility Docyt Owner
Accounts Payable    
Upload Invoices  
Verify Invoices  
Approve Invoices  
Pay Invoices  
Mark Invoices as Paid (if not paid through Docyt)  
Receipt Box:    
Upload Credit Card Receipts  
Approve Receipts  
Resolve Duplicate Vendors  
Banking Accounts:    
Reconnect bank & credit card accounts if they become disconnected  
Add a new bank account  
Add a new credit card  
Incorporate employees' corporate cards into Docyt  
Archive closed bank & credit card accounts  
Reconciliation Center:    
Review Uncategorized Transactions & Code  
Flag Transactions for assistance in Coding  
Match Uncleared Documents to Transaction Feeds  
Upload Bank Statements  
Upload Credit Card Statements  
Perform Bank Feed Verification at month end  
Complete month-end close procedures  
Business Reports:    
Access essential business reports whenever required  
Business Mailroom:    
Upload Payroll Reports for the month  
Upload Revenue Reports for the month  
Open Items:    
Respond to Flagged Transactions  
Resolution of "missing", "sync" errors within Docyt  
Make Payroll Journal Entry in QBO  
Remove any Duplicate transactions recorded in QBO at month end  
Complete Bank Reconciliations (in QBO) at month end  
Questions or Comments?
Please reach out to your Team Lead/Account Manager, contact Docyt’s support team via email at