
Reconciliation Center: Overview of Transaction and Document Management

How to Access Reconciliation Center



1. To access the Reconciliation Center, log into your Docyt account.

a. If logged in as a Business Employee, you can easily access the Reconciliation Center by switching to the business view. Click on 'Accounting' and then select your business name:

b. If you are logged in as a member of the Accounting Team, to access the accountant view, click on your avatar icon on the top right side of the screen and choose 'Switch to Accountant View'.

c. On the dashboard page, you can easily find the business you are looking for by searching for its name. Once you locate the business, click on its name to access and enter it. 

2. To access the Reconciliation Center for that specific business, click 'Banking & Reconciliation' and then select 'Reconciliation Center.'

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3. Within the Reconciliation Center, you will find a variety of main menu options available for managing your transactions and documents. 

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4. Uncategorized Transactions: If Docyt's Auto Pilot system lacks the necessary information to process specific transactions, those transactions will be categorized as Uncategorized Transactions and require manual review. By manually processing these transactions, Docyt's AI continuously learns and enhances its capability to handle similar transactions more effectively in the future. This iterative process improves the system's accuracy and efficiency in managing financial data.

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5. Uncleared Documents: In this section, you can manually match documents that do not have a corresponding transaction. This includes invoices and receipts that must be linked to the appropriate transaction.

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6. All Transactions: The section displays a comprehensive list of all transactions, including those that have not been categorized yet.
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7. Transaction Types: After categorization, transactions are organized based on their nature into Expenses, Income, Bank Transfers, Payroll Charges, Equity/Liabilities/Assets, and Loan Payments. You can filter, analyze, review, and export these transactions as a CSV file for auditing purposes.

a. Expense: Expense transactions in the Reconciliation Center represent costs or expenditures that a business has incurred.
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b. Income: These transactions indicate the funds generated from the business's daily activities.

c. Bank Transfers: A transfer is a transaction that moves funds between any two banking accounts, including credit card accounts, of the business. It lets you quickly transfer money from one account to another within your business's financial system.

Bank Transfers_Nov-1

d. Payroll Charges: This category encompasses all bank transactions associated with payroll, such as wage payments and payroll taxes.
Payroll Charges_Nov-1e. Equity/Liabilities/Assets: This menu contains transactions for equity investment, equity withdrawal, liability payments, and payments related to assets.

f. Loan Payments: These transactions include any payments made towards the principal and interest of loans.


f. Chart of Accounts

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g. Settings

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