July 2023

Navigating the Revamped Advanced Reports on Android

Docyt Product Update July 2023

As part of our commitment to streamlining your mobile experience, we've enhanced our Advanced Reports feature for Android. Here's what you need to know about these recent changes.

Auto-Enablement of Web Reports on Mobile

We've addressed the issue where a new business report launched on the web would need a separate process to enable it on mobile. With our latest solution, we've automated this process. When we launch an advanced report on the web, it will now automatically be available on your mobile as well. We've considered all the different columns, filters, and options from the web version to ensure they are appropriately displayed on your mobile device.

Accessing and Viewing Advanced Reports

To provide a better viewing experience, when you tap on an advanced report on your Android device, it will open in a horizontal (landscape) screen mode.

Here's how it works:

  1. Access your list of advanced reports and tap on the report you want to view.
  2. The selected report will open in horizontal mode. Your device will not switch to portrait mode while viewing the report.
  3. The font size has been optimized for readability. You can refer to our Figma design for exact font and column sizes.
  4. You can scroll horizontally to view the entire report.
  5. To return to your list of reports, simply press the back button. You will be taken back to the list of advanced reports just as it was before you opened the individual report.

Displaying Different Business Reports

In this revamped version, your advanced report display is broken down into several elements for better clarity and organization.

  • Header: It includes the Business Name, Report Type (not the report name), and the date when it was Last Reconciled (located at the top right).
  • Second row: It contains the Time-Frequency Selector (located at the top left), Time Range (center), and Filter icon (top right).
  • Tapping the Filter icon opens a bottom slider.

The line items:

  • Are displayed on the leftmost side of your screen.
  • Can be expanded and collapsed, similar to the web version.
  • Are collapsed by default.
  • When in a collapsed state, the total for a group of line items is displayed.
  • If a line item's text is too long, it will be truncated.
  • You can scroll horizontally to view columns that could not be displayed initially.
  • Numbers are currently not clickable, although we're working to add this feature soon for a drill-down view.


Row sizes have been adjusted to fit two lines for a line item. If line items are longer than two lines, they will be truncated and ended with an ellipsis ("...").

Error Messages

If you attempt to access a report on the mobile app that you do not have permission to access on the web, an error message will be displayed. The error message will state, "You do not have read permission for this report." You can dismiss this message by clicking on 'Dismiss', and you will remain on your current screen.

The error message will read: "User does not have read permission to this report." You can dismiss this message by clicking on 'Dismiss'. The pop-up will disappear, and you will remain on your current screen.

Our aim is to make your mobile experience as seamless and efficient as possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.