Invoice Queue

Managing the Approval of Invoices in Docyt as an Approver

  1. Once an invoice has been verified, it moves into the approval step in Docyt. The invoice status shows a 'Needs Approval' message to the users with an 'Approver' role.
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  2. If a business has multiple approvers for invoices, you will see the names of all the approvers when you hover over the 'Needs Approval' status.
  3. To adjust the Account Payable settings and determine whether approval is required from all approvers or just one of them, click on the 'Settings' option.

  4. To access the 'Approval Rules' setting page, click on it. This page is divided into two sections: Default Approval Rules and Advanced Approval Rules. The default rules are automatically applied to all invoices except for those that meet the criteria of an advanced approval rule. In the 'Advanced Approval Rules' section, you can specify conditions such as 'Vendor Name' and 'Transaction Amount' and the approvers for those conditions. For example, you can set a specific transaction amount and require approval from a particular approver for invoices that exceed that amount. To edit the Default Approval Rules, click on the ellipsis menu and select 'Edit Rules.'
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  5. In the image below, click the 'Edit' button to choose the Approvers from the list provided in the 'Add Approvers' section on the right. Simply checkmark the checkbox next to the desired 'Approvers'. Then, click the blue 'Add Approvers' button. Select the conditions from the drop-down list in the 'Has to be approved by' column. Finally, click the 'Done' button to save all the settings.

  6. To set up Advanced Approval Rules, click the 'Add Special Rule' link.
  7. This feature allows you to edit the 'Conditions', 'Selected Approvers', and 'Has to be approved by' columns. You can set the other two columns similarly, as shown in step 5 above. Click on 'Add Condition' to add a new condition.
  8. Choose 'Vendor' to specify the name of a specific vendor for which an approval rule needs to be defined. Alternatively, select 'Transaction Amount' to establish a condition based on the transaction amount of the invoice.

  9. Approvers can quickly and efficiently "Verify and Approve" invoices currently in the "In Verification" status. To do this, click on the invoice amount and select "Verify and Approve" from the drop-down list. This streamlined process allows for seamless approval of invoices with just one simple step.
  10. To verify and approve an invoice, click the blue 'Verify and Approve' button.
  11. Approvers can retract their approval for an invoice if it still needs to be paid. To do this, click the 'Retract Approval' option in the menu. This will reverse the approval and unapprove the invoice.

12. If an Approver changes the information on an invoice by selecting the 'Edit Invoice' option, the invoice will be reset and require re-verification. Additionally, it will be removed from QBO (QuickBooks Online). A message will appear as shown below. To proceed, click 'Proceed', and the invoice status will change to 'In Verification,' it will also be removed from QBO.



13. Once invoices have been verified, they are automatically pushed to QBO to ensure seamless integration and accuracy in your accounting system.

14. If there are multiple approvers for an invoice, the invoice will only enter the 'Approved' state after all approvers approve. Once all approvers have approved the document, the status of the invoice changes from 'Needs Approval' to 'Ready to Pay' for the Payers.

15. Additionally, you may find it helpful to refer to the following pages: