Business Mailroom
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Managing Business Mailroom Permissions in Docyt

The Business Mailroom plays a vital role in managing incoming mail and documents. To ensure efficient management of mailroom data, Docyt provides permission levels that control access and responsibilities within the Business Mailroom. Understanding these permission levels is crucial.

Business Mailroom Permission Levels:

  1. None: Users with this access level have no permission to view or manage the Business Mailroom data, including the Reconciliation Center module.
  2. Uploader: 

    The Uploader role has been modeled to resemble its counterpart in the receipt box. If a user is assigned the 'Uploader' role in the Business Mailroom, they are granted the following permissions:

    1. Upload Documents: Users with the 'Uploader' role can upload documents into the Business Mailroom.

    2. View Uploaded Documents: These users can view the documents uploaded into the Business Mailroom. However, they can only view the documents that they have uploaded personally.

    If a document is uploaded to the mailroom from an unrecognized source (for example, from an unregistered email), it will be visible exclusively to users assigned the 'Admin' role. Users with the 'Uploader' role won't be able to view such documents.

  3. Admin: Users with this level of access can access all features in the Business Mailroom, including the Reconciliation Center module.

By effectively managing business mailroom permissions in Docyt, you can maintain control over incoming mail and documents, ensuring streamlined organization and efficient handling.

Click here to view a step-by-step guide for how to add users in Docyt and configure permissions.

Please note that this report is exclusive to select Docyt Plans. If you encounter access issues, please reach out to for assistance.

Consistency Across Platforms

It is essential to note that the 'Uploader' role has been designed for seamless performance across the web, iOS, and Android platforms. Therefore, irrespective of the platform, users assigned the 'Uploader' role will enjoy the same rights and privileges.

Furthermore, in the 'Recent Docs' section of the mobile app, a user with an 'Uploader' role should only be able to see the documents that they uploaded to the mailroom. This change is implemented to ensure users are presented with a tailored, organized view of their recent uploads.