Important Tasks

Access Control: Categorization for Banking Accounts/AP/Receipts in Docyt iOS/Android

Business Admins/Employees keep their financial data accurate and secure by controlling access to specific document types in the Banking Accounts, Accounts Payable, and Receipt Box modules the categorization access level. This helps protect sensitive information.

By restricting categorization access, Business Admins ensure that only authorized people can view or edit critical financial records. This reduces the chance of mistakes or unauthorized changes and helps keep a clear record of compliance and accountability.


There are two access control options: d5440d3c-e059-4237-a3b0-0f4d5dc643d6


1. For Active permission -  Users can categorize the following document types:

For iOS For Android
  • Invoices

  • Receipts

  • Transactions (Type = Withdrawal and Deposit)

  • Banking Accounts (transaction page)

  • Receipt Box


2. For Not Active permission: Users will not be able to view the categorization option for the following document types:

a) Invoices -

File (6)-20240501-102448 (1)

 For iOS

                       The Category field will be hidden completely (along with the Edit button).

b) Receipts -

 File (5)-20240501-101935                              Screenshot_20240501_163126-20240501-110208

                            For iOS                                                                                             For Android

                     The Category field will be hidden completely (along with the Edit button).

c) Transactions (Type = Withdrawal and Deposit)

File (7)-20240501-104843                                    Screenshot_20240501_162953-20240501-110209

                            For iOS                                                                                            For Android

 The Transaction Type, Vendor, and Category will be hidden from the screen.