For Hospitality Businesses

How to Use the Enhanced Multi-Month Filter in Business Reports

Here are the steps to guide you through our newly improved multi-month filter in business reports:

Navigate to any of the following reports:

  • Use the Filter in Single Month Selection:

    • Select a single month and use the dropdown functionality to view and choose the columns of your preference.
  • Use the Filter in Multi-Month Selection:

    • Choose a range of months (for instance, from Jan 2022 to Dec 2022). You'll see the dropdown appears allowing you to select specific columns for your report.
  • Understand the Hierarchy of Columns:

    • When viewing your report, notice the order of columns. They are displayed in the following sequence: PTD $, PAR $, POR $, Budget $, Budget Var.
  • Explore All Available Columns:

    • Go through all the columns available for your selection. Make sure you're familiar with what each column represents.
  • Check the Filter in Other Reports:

By following these steps, you can effectively use the new multi-month filter feature to customize your reports in Docyt. If you need further assistance, our support team is always available to help.

Enhanced Multi-Month Filter