How to Edit Access to Management Reports

Please note that only admins of the business report module can edit access to reports.

  1. To access the business in Docyt, start by logging in. Then, navigate to the top menu bar and click on the 'Business Reports' module. From there, choose 'Management Reports' to proceed.
  2. To grant access to a user in the management report, click on the three dots on the right side of the report name. Then, select the 'Edit Access' option from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter the user's name or email address in the pop-up window, then click 'Done' to grant that user access (i.e., add user) to the report.

  4. To revoke access to the report for a user, enter the user's name or email in the window that appears after following step 2. Then, click 'Remove' next to the user's name and finalize by clicking 'Done'. This action will promptly remove access to that report for that user.