Payment Rules

How to Set Up Recurring Payments to Vendors with Docyt Check & Docyt ACH

Follow these steps to set up recurring vendor payments with Docyt Check & Docyt ACH information.


  1. Log into Docyt
  2. Click on 'Expense Management'. Choose Accounts Payable. Select Payment Rules.
  3. Click on the blue plus button and 'Add Recurring Payment Rule'.
  4. Enter the following details:
    1. Payee/Receiver: Choose a Payee. 
    2. Amount: Enter the payment amount.
    3. Expense Category:
      1. Click on Select Category.
      2. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a box that opens up. Click on 'Select Chart of Account' to choose the expense account with which you would like to associate this transaction.
      3. Click the blue save button.
    4. Payment Methods: Choose Docyt Check or ACH Payment. 
      The Payees/Receiver must be registered on the Docyt Network when making ACH payments.
    5. Check Memo: The memo will be included in the payment.
    6. Payment Address:
      1. Click on 'Add Address'.
      2. Please check the box and select the vendor's payment address to ensure that the payment is sent to the correct address.
    7. Date.
      1. Date: Select the payment date
      2. Frequency: Select the frequency.

  5. Note about dates and shipping
    Your check may take 5-7 business days to reach an address in the continental United States. Please adjust the payment date accordingly if you need the physical check to arrive at the merchant's address by a specific date.: 
  6. Please review the details to ensure they are accurate and click on the 'Activate Recurring Payment' button.
  7. You have successfully set up a recurring payment. To view your recurring payments, navigate to the payment rules in your Accounts Payable Module.