Reconciliation Center
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Using the Multiple Bank Accounts filter option in the Reconciliation Center

In Docyt, you can pick multiple bank accounts to narrow down your search for transactions. This helps you see all your financial activities in one place, making it simpler to manage your transactions effectively.

Follow the steps given below to filter transactions:

  1. Go to the "Banking & Reconciliation" section on the main menu, and then click on "Reconciliation Center" from the dropdown menu.

    Click Recon Center-1

  2. Select "All Transactions" from the menu on the left side.

    Click “All Transactions

  3. Click the drop-down arrow next to  “Bank Account” to see the list of your bank accounts.

    Click the bank accounts dropdown

  4. Click on the checkmark box to choose multiple banks for filtering transactions.

    Select multiple banks

  5. You can see a filtered list of transactions from the banks you have selected.

    Filtered Transactions