Hospitality Revenue System Integrations

How to Schedule Reports in Oracle Opera 5 (Desktop) Property Management System?

The steps here show the setup for 'Financial Payments and Revenue' Report.

1. Navigate to the 'Reports Scheduler' in the 'Miscellaneous' section.

2. Click on 'New' button.

3. Search for the Report Name:  Financial Payments and Revenue (REP Name: findeptcodes)

4. Choose the report from the list.

5. Select the 'Fax/E-mail' checkbox.

6. Click the 'OK' button.

7. Set Repeat: Every 1 Day.
8. Set Repeat Until: Indefinite.
9.Click the OK button.

10. In 'To Email' field,  Input your email address.

11. Click OK button.

12. In 'Types' field, select:  All

13. In 'Date Range' field, select:  Month to Date

14. In 'Display:  Revenue' field, select:  Net

15. Click 'Preview' button.

16. Once you are on the next screen, simply click on the 'Close' button.

17. Now in the list of scheduled reports, select the scheduled report that you just created. To specify the parameters, click on the 'Parameters' radio button and then click on the 'Set Date' button located on the right side.

18. Select, on Left Side:  FIRST DAY OF MONTH

        Right Side:  -1 DAYS

        Radio Button:  Days.

        Click 'OK'.

19. Follow the same steps mentioned above to set up the 'Trial Balance', 'Manager-Flash', and 'Market Code Statistics' reports.