Docyt Full Service Check

How to Modify an Invoice After Payment via Docyt Check has Been Made?

To modify an invoice after payment via Docyt check has already been made, follow these steps: 

1.) Go into Accounts Payable > Invoice Queue and locate the invoice under 'Paid.'

2.) Click on the invoice, then click on the check document link at the bottom of the right panel.

3.) Download the check.

4.) Exit the invoice detail screen to go back into the Paid invoice area. 

Click the Amount button on the right side of the invoice, and select 'Cancel Payment.'

Screenshot 1946-05-21 at 1.09.04 PM

5.) Click Confirm to cancel the payment. This moves the invoice back into the Invoice Queue.


6.) Locate the invoice in Invoice Queue. Click the amount button and select 'Edit Invoice.' 
Screenshot 1946-05-21 at 1.11.33 PM

7.) Click Proceed to make changes to the invoice details.

8.) Here you can edit the invoice details. 

When done, be sure to click Verify and save the changes. Once Verified and Approved, the invoice moves back into the 'Ready to Pay' state in the Invoice Queue. 


9.) Once the invoice is ready to pay, click the amount button, select 'Mark as Paid' and then choose the option for 'Manual Check.'
Screenshot 1946-05-21 at 1.13.35 PM


10.) Enter the details from the Docyt Check document you downloaded in Step #3 and click 'Mark as Paid.' This moves the invoice back into the 'Paid' invoice area.


11.) Navigate back into the 'Paid' area to locate the invoice, then click on the invoice to view details. At the bottom of the right panel, click on the check document link. 


12.) Upload the Docyt Check document you downloaded in Step #3. The check has now been reattached to the updated invoice.

13.) After a few moments, click 'View in Quickbooks' (upper right corner) to confirm a successful sync.