Merge Duplicate Vendors

How to resolve duplicate vendors

  1. Identify vendors that can be merged within the 'Tasks' section.                              
  2. To access 'My Vendors', simply click on the blue link located to the right of the business name in the 'Vendors: Review Merge Options' section. If you don't see the 'Vendors: Review Merge Options' section, it means that there are no potential duplicate vendors.
  3. You can also go to the 'My Vendors' page by clicking on the 'Expense Management' and 'Vendors' menu. To filter the vendors and only show those with merge potential, simply check the checkbox labeled 'Show only Vendors with merge option available' at the top right.

  4. Click on the option labeled 'Possible Duplicate Vendor' located under the name of the vendor.
  5. A pop-up window will appear where you can double-check that the vendor information is accurate.
    1. Choose the option 'Merge with this vendor'.
    2. Check-mark the checkbox 'By Selecting this check box you are confirming you have reviewed this vendors information and that it will be changed your "My Vendors" list.'.
    3. Click on the 'Next' button to proceed.
    4. Note: If you select 'Do not merge with this vendor', Docyt will not ask you to merge with the proposed vendor again. 
  6. Review the changes:
    1. Click the checkbox 'I confirm that I have validated this Vendors' information and I would like to add them to "My Vendors" list.'
    2. Click on the 'Merge' button.
  7. The vendors have successfully been merged into a single vendor.