
How to Manage Document Requests Visibility in Docyt iOS & Android App


This guide helps you understand how document request permissions work in the Docyt iOS app. It explains how to control visibility of different businesses on the document requests screen based on user permissions.

Permissions and Visibility

  • Viewer Permission: Users with this permission can see document requests but cannot make changes.
  • Reviewer Permission: Users with this permission can review and approve document requests.
  • None Permission: Users with no permission for a specific business will not see that business on the document requests screen.

How It Works

When you change a business on the document requests screen, the app checks your permissions for that business:

  1. If you have Viewer permission for Business 1 and Reviewer permission for Business 2, the app will allow actions based on these permissions.
  2. If you have None permission for a business, that business will be hidden from the document requests screen.