Revenue Integration & Reconciliation
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Displaying Revenue Reconciliation Difference Amount

Now, by hovering over the reconciled revenue entry, you can see transaction details and compare revenue reconciliation with deposit amounts.

Follow the steps to see the transaction details:

  1. Select "Revenue Center" from the "Revenue Reconciliation" section in the main header.
    Click Revenue Center-1
  2. Select "Deposit Tracking" from the menu on the top header.Screenshot 1946-05-21 at 6.16.55 PM

  3. Move your mouse over the green checkmark that shows the reconciled revenue. A small information panel will appear, displaying matching deposit transactions for that particular revenue.Screenshot 1946-05-22 at 3.50.10 PM

  4. The following information is displayed in the tooltip panel:

    - Date

    - Banking Account

    - Description

    - Amount

    - Delta or gap is shown as - Short by $4.11: When the deposit amount from the revenue report is less than what came in the bank

    tooltip panel