
How do I add new billing information in Docyt?

You can now pay for your Docyt subscription using either your credit card or directly from your bank account.

  1. Log in to your Docyt account. From the main tasks dashboard, click on the Accounting tab. Click on your business name.

  2. From the main header, click “Settings.”

    Click Settings-1
  3. From the left pane, click “Billing Information.”

    Click Billing Info
  4. From the “Billing Information” section, click “Select Payment Account.”.

lick Select payment Account

5.   If you opt to pay with a credit card, enter your card details in the "Credit Card" section and then click "Save."

Select Credit Card

6.  If you prefer to pay using your bank account, go to the "Bank Account" tab, input your bank details, and then click "Save."

Select Bank Account-2


When an Accounting firm handles the billing for the subscription, a tick mark will appear for the firm, indicating that the billing info is being updated and they do the subscription.

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 12.59.57


When the payer (Business) handles the billing for the subscription, a tick mark will appear for the payer, indicating that the billing info is being updated and the payer does the subscription. Screenshot 1946-05-31 at 7.29.45 PM



For questions regarding your subscription plan, please contact