Setup & Configuration

How to Add an Employee Card to a Credit Card Account in Docyt


  1. Log into your Docyt account.
    1. If logged in as a Business Employee, click the 'Accounting' tab and select your business name.
    2. If you are a member of an Accounting Team and want to access the accountant view, you can easily do so by clicking on your avatar icon on the screen's top right side. Select 'Switch to Accountant View' from there to switch to the desired view. You can quickly find the specific business you want on the dashboard page by searching for its name. Once you locate the business, click on its name to access and enter it.
  2. To access your banking accounts in Docyt, go to the 'Banking & Reconciliation' menu and choose 'Banking Accounts.' Then, select 'Accounts' from the menu.
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  3. To add an employee card to a specific banking account, click on the three dots next to that account and choose 'Add/View Employee Cards' for the account you want to add the card to.image-20220811-140329
  4. Select 'Add Employee Card'.image-20220811-140321
  5. Enter the name of the bank and the last four digits on the employee card. Important: The last four digits of the employee card must match what appears on the bank statement for the employee card.
  6. Very Important: Click on the Account Owner drop-down menu and select the account owner that matches the last four digits of the employee card. The data will not display properly if the account owner is not selected.Bank & Credit Card Disconnection But (800 × 800 px)(1) (1)
  7. Click 'Done'.