UPS Store®

UPS® Store Owners Report

Gain Valuable Insights into Your UPS® Store Performance

Table of Contents

To effectively analyze your business performance, it is essential to identify areas for improvement, set new goals, and pave the way for success. The UPS Store Owners Report offers comprehensive insights into your financial metrics, with a specific focus on Adjusted Gross Sales (AGS) across various business operations. This report provides a breakdown of AGS, the cost of goods sold on AGS, gross profit on AGS sales, variable and fixed expenses, operating profit, and non-operating income and expense. By monitoring these key factors, you can make informed decisions to monitor performance and drive your business toward success.

Accessing the Report

  1. To access the report, simply sign in to your Docyt account. From the top menu dropdown, navigate to 'Business Reports' and then select 'Management Reports' from the options that appear.

  2. To access the Owners Report, locate and click on the 'Owners Report' option within the Management Reports page.
  3. Customize the report according to your requirements by choosing the specific time period you prefer.
  4. You can also minimize the report section to view the total numbers and report insights for a specific section. This allows you to see section-wise data on the report. Please take a look at the highlighted section in green color.
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    Screenshot 1946-04-21 at 2.57.52 PM

Please note that this report is exclusive to select Docyt Plans. If you encounter access issues, please reach out to for assistance.

To export your report to Excel or PDF format

  1. To export your report to Excel or PDF format, follow these steps: Click on the three-dot menu, choose 'Export as Excel', and select 'Include drill down' or 'Exclude drill down' based on your needs. Choose 'Export as PDF' for a PDF format report.
  2. A notification will appear, indicating that the report can be downloaded from the 'Data Export' section of Docyt.
  3. To download the report, navigate to the 'Data Export' section by clicking on the 'Data Export' link mentioned in the notification. On the 'Data Export' page, click on the ellipsis menu and select the 'Download' option.

Understanding the Report Content

  1. AGS (Adjusted Gross Sales): AGS represents your total sales, adjusted for any returns or allowances. It includes various income categories such as mailbox service, copies, color copies, laminating/binding, and more. The report provides both the dollar amount and the percentage of total AGS for each category, allowing you to see the overall contribution of each category to your sales. The figures are compared to those from the previous reporting period to show changes over time.

  2. Cost of Goods Sold on AGS: This section details the cost of goods sold (COGS) for each revenue category, allowing you to understand the direct costs associated with producing the goods sold in your business.

  3. Gross Profit on AGS Sales: This portion of the report outlines the gross profit for each revenue category. Gross profit is calculated by subtracting the COGS from the corresponding AGS. The gross profit percentages indicate the profit margin for each category.

  4. Variable Expenses: Variable expenses are costs that change in direct proportion to the volume of goods or services your business produces. This section includes payroll/salaries, advertising/promotion, royalty/adv./media fees, and other variable expenses.

  5. Fixed Expenses: Fixed expenses are costs that do not vary with the volume of goods or services produced. They include business insurance, rent for the store, telephone expenses, utilities, and other fixed costs.

  6. Operating Profit: This is the profit your business makes from operations, calculated by subtracting total operating expenses (variable and fixed) from the gross profit.

  7. Non-Operating Income & Expense: These are revenues, gains, expenses, and losses that are not related to a company's normal operations. This could include salaries for the owner, income taxes, and other expenses.

  8. Net Operating Profit: This is the final profit after all expenses and non-operating income and expenses have been considered. It reflects your business's profitability during a specific period.


  • By examining each section of the UPS® Store Owners Report, you can track your store's financial performance, identify potential areas for growth, and ensure your business is on the right track. The report serves as a guide, empowering you to make informed decisions that propel your business to new heights.

Sample Report

What To Do If Your Report Data Is Not Accurate

For inaccurate data:

  • Consult with your Docyt Account Manager for guidance and resolution.
  • For general support inquiries, email Docyt support at for assistance in troubleshooting and resolving discrepancies.