Import, Export & Share Data

How to Access and Download Financial Reports

This article will walk you through how to access and download Financial Reports in Docyt. The specific report shown in this article is a Cash Flow report, which is a type of Management Report.

1. Log in to your Docyt account using

2. Click on the' Accounting' icon at the top of your screen.

3. Click on the specific business for which you want to see/ download the financial reports.

4. Go to the 'Business Reports' module from the dashboard. Click 'Business Reports' and then select 'Management Reports'.

    • Note: Select' Basic' from the right bar if your Docyt plan does not include Management Reports. You can then see/ download a basic 'Profit and Loss' and 'Balance Sheet' report. Click here for more details. Please be sure to read the rest of the article to make sure you are downloading reconciled reports. 

5. On the management reports page, you will see a variety of options displayed as shown in the figure below. Click on the report that you would like to view/ download, and it will open for you.

6. Once the financial report opens up in the browser, check the month in the top right-hand corner next to 'Last Reconciled on' and confirm that the month is within the reconciled period. The date range for which the report needs to be generated can be changed by clicking the date range boxes in the top left-hand corner of the report.

Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 9.35.26 AM

7. For downloading the report, click on the ellipsis icon (three dots) in the top right corner and select 'Export as Excel' or 'Export as PDF' from the dropdown.

8. A pop-up message will appear at the top of the screen. Click 'Data Export'.

9. Docyt will also email the user a link to access the report when the export is ready. Click 'Download in Docyt' to access the report.

10. Once you have navigated to the 'Data Export' area using either of the two methods shown in steps 8 and 9 above, click on the three dots in the right corner of the report you wish to export and select 'Download' from the dropdown.

11. Exported Excel/PDF reports can be found in the downloads folder of your computer.

12. If any reports display a red error message similar to the one shown below, it is important not to proceed with the export. Instead, please reach out to your account manager or contact for assistance. 

Screenshot of: Note: do not proceed if any management reports you wish to export have red error messages. The reports will be incorrect until the necessary mapping changes have been completed and the errors are resolved.                                               
                                                                                                                                                      Please contact your account manager or email if you have questions about this step.

13. If you encounter an error message stating, "Something went wrong. User does not have read permission to access this report" after selecting a report, please refer to this article for instructions on how to get access to the report.

Screenshot of: Note: if you receive the error "Something went wrong. User does not have read permission to this report" after selecting the report, go to Step 9, if no error skip to Step 12.