Exciting Product Update: Enhanced Document Uploading Experience in iOS

We’re thrilled to announce a significant overhaul to our mobile app's document-uploading experience. These updates are designed to make your workflow smoother, faster, and more intuitive

1. Seamless Multitasking While Uploading Documents

  • Current Limitation: Previously, users were restricted from using the app while documents were uploading.
  • New Benefit: With the new update, you can now freely navigate to any screen or perform any action in the app while your documents continue uploading in the background. Enjoy uninterrupted app usage, no matter what you’re doing!

2. Effortless Upload of Multiple Documents

  • Current Limitation: Users had to wait for one document to finish uploading before adding another, which slowed down processes.
  • New Benefit: The new system allows documents to upload in the background, enabling you to upload multiple (even N number of) documents simultaneously, saving you time and hassle.

3. Clear Status and Easy Retry for Failed Uploads

  • Current Limitation: Users sometimes lacked visibility into whether a document uploaded successfully and had no easy way to retry.
  • New Benefit: The new interface provides instant feedback on upload progress. You’ll be alerted if a document doesn’t upload successfully and can easily retry from the same screen.

Why This Matters to You

These improvements eliminate common limitations, making the app more efficient, user-friendly, and reliable. Experience the difference with our upgraded mobile app. Update your app today to enjoy these new features!