Scan & Upload, Email, or Drag & Drop Receipts
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  2. Receipt Management
  3. Scan & Upload, Email, or Drag & Drop Receipts

How do I email a receipt to my Docyt Receipt Box?

How to Copy the Email Address of Receipt Box Module in Docyt

  1. Log into Docyt by visiting clicking here.
  2. To access the Receipt List in Docyt, click 'Expense Management' in the top header menu. Then, choose 'Receipt Box' from the dropdown menu and select 'Receipt List' to view all your receipts. 
  3. Click the blue link to reveal and copy the Docyt Email Address.

Email the Receipt to your Receipt Box

  1. Open your email client and create a new email message.
  2. Attach the receipt you want to upload to the email.
  3. In the To field, enter your custom receipt box email (you copied it in the process as shown above).
  4. In the Subject field, enter a brief description of the receipt.
  5. Send the email.
  6. Wait a few seconds for Docyt to process the receipt.
  7. Log into Docyt.
  8. To access the Receipt List, go to the top header menu and click 'Expense Management'. Select 'Receipt Box' from the dropdown menu and choose 'Receipt List' to view all your receipts.

  9. View the receipt in your Receipt List.