August 2023

Docyt's KPI Dashboard Update: Enhanced Color Differentiation

 Now, effortlessly distinguish between Revenue, Cost, and Ratio KPIs with our new color-coded system. Dive into a more intuitive data experience today!

What’s New?

#3238D6 KPI BlueBlue: For Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to revenue, profit, and sales.
#F7AD1A yellowYellow: For Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to costs and expenses.
#F03E97  PinkPink: For Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that represent ratios or percentages.

These changes are designed to make your data visualization experience as intuitive as possible. Whether you’re reviewing net profit in the hospitality sector or tracking expenses in QSR, our colors will guide you!

Blue: Revenue, Profit, Sales

Group 111577
For the following KPIs, you'll see them displayed in a blue color:


  • Net Profit
  • Total Revenue
  • RevPAR
  • Gross Operating Profit PAR


  • Net Profit
  • Total Revenue
  • Average Sale per Customer
  • Average Mailbox Revenue per Occupied Mailbox


  • Net Profit
  • Total Revenue
  • Total Sales


Yellow: Cost & Expenses

For the following KPIs, they will be shown in a yellow hue:

Group 111580


  • Total Expenses
  • Cost per Occupied Room


  • Total Expenses


  • Total Expenses
  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • Total Labor Cost
  • Total Food Cost
  • Total Paper Cost
  • Prime Costs
  • Total Other Costs
  • Total Beverage Costs


Pink: Rations & Percentages

Group 111585

These KPIs will be highlighted in pink:


  • Occupancy Percentage
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • ADR


  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Average Customer Count per Day
  • Metered Mail Margin


  • Spend Per Ticket
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Sales per Labor Hour