Invoice Queue

Customize Your Invoice/ Bill Pay Workflow with Docyt's Accounts Payable Module

Table of Content

A. Various bill pay scenarios

  1. Small business that has only one business administrator responsible for managing accounts  payable
  2. Small business with one invoice payer and multiple invoice uploaders

  3. Small business with two business employees responsible for managing accounts payables

  4. Medium-sized business with an accounts payable department

B. Understanding Accounts Payable Permission Levels in Docyt

C. How to Verify Invoices/Bills in Docyt: A Step-by-Step Guide

D. How to Approve Invoices/Bills in Docyt: A Step-by-Step Guide

E. Paying Bills/Invoices in Docyt


A. Various Bill Pay Scenarios

Docyt offers the flexibility to assign different roles to different individuals, allowing you to customize the Accounts Payable module according to your business process needs. This article provides helpful suggestions and best practices based on your business workflow.

1. Small business that has only one business administrator responsible for managing accounts payable

In this scenario, the small business designates one person, usually the business owner, to handle all tasks related to accounts payable. This individual takes on the Payer role in the Accounts Payable module, which allows them to upload, edit, verify, and pay invoices using Docyt Check/ACH. Since only one person is responsible for managing accounts payable, there is no need for an Approver in this situation.

2. Small business with one invoice payer and multiple invoice uploaders

If the business has a few individuals involved in uploading invoices into Docyt, the user roles can be set up as follows:

  • Business Owner is assigned the role of Payer in Docyt, which grants them the ability to upload, edit, verify, and pay invoices using Docyt Check/ACH.
  • The data entry users are assigned the Uploader role in Docyt, enabling them to upload and edit invoices.

3. Small business with two business employees responsible for managing accounts payables

In this scenario, user roles in Docyt Accounts Payable can be set up as follows:

  • One user is assigned the Approver role, enabling them to handle Upload, Edit, Verify, and Approve invoices. For example, an Office Manager can be given the role of the approver.
  • Other users are assigned the Payer role, enabling them to handle Upload, Edit, Verify, and Pay invoices. However, the Payer can only pay the invoice once approved by the Approver. Typically, the person authorized to sign checks is assigned the role of Payer in Docyt. This means they can make payments once the invoices have been approved.

4. Medium-sized business with an accounts payable department

In medium-sized businesses, the management of Accounts Payables may be handled by an Accounts Payable Department or outsourced to a CPA firm. The process of uploading, approving, and paying invoices is divided among multiple individuals, each responsible for a specific part of the overall process. This ensures the workload is distributed efficiently and enables individuals to focus on their assigned tasks.

In this situation, you can set up user roles in Docyt as follows:

  • The person responsible for data entry, such as an Accounts Payable Clerk, is assigned the role of Uploader in Docyt. This role allows them to upload and edit invoices efficiently.
  • Each department head, such as a Marketing Director or an Office Manager, is assigned the role of Approver in Docyt. As Approvers, they can review and approve individual invoices assigned to their department's budget for payment.

The person with authorization to sign checks, such as the Controller or CFO, is designated as the Payer in the Docyt system. This role allows them to initiate payments once the invoices have been approved through the Accounts Payable workflow.

B. Understanding Accounts Payable Permission Levels in Docyt

To find more detailed information, please click here.

C. How to Verify Invoices/Bills in Docyt: A Step-by-Step Guide

To learn more about verifying invoices/bills in Docyt, you can find a step-by-step guide by clicking here.

D. How to Approve Invoices/Bills in Docyt: A Step-by-Step Guide

For detailed instructions on approving invoices/bills in Docyt, please click here.

Also visit: Managing the Approval of Invoices in Docyt as an Approver

E. Paying Bills/Invoices in Docyt

To learn more about paying bills and invoices in Docyt, please visit this link for additional information.