Setup & Configuration

How to Add New Credit Card

Add New Credit Card

  1. Log into your Docyt account.
      1. If logged in as a Business Employee, click the 'Accounting' tab and select your business name.
      2. If you are a member of an Accounting Team and want to access the accountant view, you can easily do so by clicking on your avatar icon on the screen's top right side.
      3. Select 'Switch to Accountant View' from there to switch to the desired view. You can quickly find the specific business you want on the dashboard page by searching for its name. Once you locate the business, click on its name to access and enter it.
  2. To access your banking accounts in Docyt, go to the 'Banking & Reconciliation' menu and choose 'Banking Accounts.' Then, select 'Accounts' from the menu.
    select banking reconcilitation>accounts-1
  3. Press the '+' sign in the top right corner.
    plut sign add account
  4. Click on 'Add Credit Card Manually.'add cc manually
  5. Enter the following information in the 'Add New Account' window. 
    1. Account Name: Name of Financial Institution - Last four digits of the primary credit card.

    2. Credit Card Number: The last four digits of the primary credit card number.
      Add account name and last four

  6. Click on 'Edit' in the 'Chart of Account' section.
  7. Click on the 'Link As New Account'.
    link as new account
  8. Enter the category name: [Name of the financial institution] - [Last four digits of the card]. Click Done.
    add chart of account - link account

  9. Select the checkbox next to the chart of account you have just created and click on the "Done" button.
    check box - click done
  10. Click 'Done' on the 'Add New Account' window.
    Click done final
  11. Now, you will see the new credit card account in your list. The credit card is set up in manual mode.
    view new. account

  12. Next, we will configure the credit card to download transactions automatically. Click on the three dots (ellipses) and select "account settings" from the options menu.three dots account settings

  13. Choose the 'Transaction Import' option from the dropdown menu.
    select transaction menu

  14. Change the option from 'Manual' to 'Automatic'.
    choose auto

  15. Click on 'Select an account' in the 'Mapped Financial Institution Account' section.Select an account
  16. Click on the 'Financial Connections' link.
    fi link
  17. Click the blue "+ Connect" button to securely link your credit card financial institution and establish a connection.
  18. Click on the link "Connect to a New Financial Institution" to establish a secure connection with your credit card's financial institution through our trusted partner, Plaid.
    Connect Financial Institution1`
  19. Select the 'Management Group'. Click 'Continue'.
    mngjt group[
  20. A window will pop up, allowing you to connect to your financial institution through our third-party partner, Plaid.
    plaid 1
  21. Use the search box to locate the financial institution and click on the link.
  22. Now, you will log into your financial institution and verify your account access.
  23. After logging in, please check the box to confirm that the last four digits of the account match the information you previously entered into Docyt. Then, click the "Continue" button to proceed with the setup.
  24. Click the 'continue' button on the popup window to proceed successfully.
  25. You will see a green 'Success' box pop up.
  26. Next, click the three dots (ellipses) and select "account settings" from the options menu.three dots account settings

  27. Choose the 'Transaction Import' option from the dropdown menu.
    select transaction menu

  28. Change the option from 'Manual' to 'Automatic'.
    choose auto

  29. Click on 'Select an account' in the 'Mapped Financial Institution Account' section.Select an account
  30. Click on the credit card financial connection.
  31. Click 'Done'.
  32. You can add an employee card after successfully connecting your credit card account to Docyt and setting up automatic transaction syncing.