Business & Personal Settings

Connecting Your Financial Accounts in Docyt: Business Setup Guide

Seamlessly manage and track your banking accounts with Docyt's intuitive features.

Banking Accounts Overview

Docyt provides comprehensive banking account management with the following capabilities:

  • Real-time Bank Feed: Connect to 12,000+ financial institutions for up-to-date transaction information.
  • CSV Upload: Easily upload transactions using a .csv file if your financial institution is not supported.
  • Consolidated View: Monitor all bank and credit card transactions in a single screen for efficient tracking.
  • Quick Search: Find specific items effortlessly within your banking transactions.
  • Employee Credit Card Management: Streamline management by automatically assigning sub-card holders.

How to Connect Your Financial Accounts

  1. Sign in to Docyt: Access your Docyt account.

  2. Navigate to Settings: Select "Settings" from the menu.

  3. Access Financial Accounts: Click on the "Financial Accounts" tab in the left panel.

  4. Choose Account: Select the desired account from the list by clicking on the three dots and selecting "Account Settings".

  5. Select Import Method: On the right-side panel, choose either "automatic" or "manual" transaction import.

    • Automatic Import: Select "automatic" and follow the steps to securely connect via Plaid.
    • Manual Import: Choose "manual" import.
  6. Connect via Plaid: If you selected automatic import, a new window with Plaid will open. Follow the instructions provided by Plaid to securely add your bank or credit card account.

*Note: Adjust your browser's pop-up blocker settings if the new window does not open.

By following these steps, you can effectively connect your financial accounts to Docyt for streamlined management and tracking.