August 2024

Column Customisation for Consolidated Report Download


Customise Option in the Balance sheet

Customise Option in Owner’s Operating Statement

Downloading the Customized Report


Introducing Column Customization for Consolidated Report Downloads in Docyt Business Reports! This powerful new feature allows you to tailor the download settings, providing flexibility in report and column selection, column types, and the option to include or exclude drill-downs. You can save these custom configurations for future use, ensuring a seamless and personalized reporting experience every time.

1) Customise Option in the Balance sheet:

  • On opening the Balance Sheet report (Management Reports >> Balance Sheet), you will see a default view of the report and a customized drop-down in the report's header.

  • When you click the Customize Dropdown, you will see two options: Previous Period (PP) and Last Year.image-20240729-053831


i) PP, or Previous Period, refers to the balance of the previous period w.r.t. the current time selection. This means if you have selected Feb 2024, the PP column will have the data of Jan 2024. When you select PP or Previous Period:Screenshot 1946-06-05 at 2.48.53 PM

The balance sheet report will include the following columns:

  • PTD $
  • PP $
  • Variance
  • Variance %


  • Here the variance column is the difference between PTD$ and PP $
  • How to calculate PP $: Value would be the balance as of the last date of the previous month. [e.g.] If the period selected is Jan- Jan 2024, the PP $ would fetch the balance as of Jan 31, 2023
  • How to calculate Variance: PTD$ - PP$
  • How to calculate Variance % : (Variance / PP) x 100%


ii) Last Year: It is the balance of the current time selection but that of the previous year. For example, if the time-period selection is Feb 2024, the data will be Feb 2023 in the Last Year column. When the user selects Last Year:Screenshot 1946-06-05 at 2.51.22 PM

The balance sheet report will include the following columns:

  • PTD $
  • PTD LY $
  • PTD LY Variance
  • PTD LY Variance %


  • The variance column is the difference between PTD $ and PTD LY $
  • How to calculate PTD LY $: The value would be the balance on the last date of the previous year. For example, if the period selected is Jan-Jan 2024, the PTD LY $ would fetch the balance as of Jan 31, 2023
  • How to calculate PTD LY Variance: PTD $ - PDT LY $
  • How to calculate PTD LY Variance %: (PTD LY Variance / PTD LY) x 100%

2) Customise option in Owner’s Operating Statement

  • On opening the Owner’s report (Management Reports >> Owner’s Operating Statement), you will see a default view of the report and a customized drop-down in the header of the report

  • On clicking the Customise Dropdown, you will see six options

    • % Column

    • Previous Period

    • Last Year

    • Per Available Room (When industry is hospitality)

    • Per Occupied Room (When industry is hospitality)

    • Budget comparison

    • Forecast Comparisonimage-20240729-055408

  • The following data points will be visible on the selection of

    • % column - It will show the % values of all the columns in the owner’s report (PTD% and YTD )

    • Previous Period - Value would be balanced as of the last date of the previous month. For example, if the period selected is Jan- Jan 2024, the PP $ would fetch the balance as of Jan 31, 2023

    • Last year - It will show the value of the same time-period selection as of the last year.

    • Per Available Room (PAR): It is calculated by dividing the total row value by the total number of rooms available.

    • Per Occupied Room (POR): It is calculated by dividing the total row value by the total number of rooms sold.

    • Budget and Forecast Comparison - This compares the budget/forecast created by the Buainess Owners or Account manager.

3) Downloading the customized report

Once you've customized the columns, you can export the report using the three-dot menu.
Screenshot 1946-06-05 at 3.20.45 PM

After exporting the report, you'll see a notification. Click 'Data Export' in the notification, which will take you to a new page to download the exported reports.


Screenshot 1946-06-05 at 3.20.59 PM


Screenshot 1946-06-05 at 3.26.06 PM