Bank Statements

How to Access Bank Statement Module in Docyt

1. Log into your Docyt account.

a. If logged in as a Business Employee, click on 'Accounting' and then select your business name.

b. If you are logged in as a member of the Accounting Team, to access the accountant view, click on your avatar icon on the top right side of the screen and choose 'Switch to Accountant View'.

c. On the dashboard page, you can easily find the business you are looking for by searching for its name. Once you find the business, you can click on its name to access and enter it. 


2. To access the 'Bank Statements' module for the specific business, navigate to the 'Banking & Reconciliation' section and select 'Reconciliation Center'. From there, choose 'Bank Statements' to view and manage all related information.


3. In this section, you will find an interactive calendar that enables accountants to gather month-end bank statements from their clients to finalize the monthly accounts for all balance sheet accounts. By hovering your mouse over the icons, you can quickly check the status of each statement.
