Hospitality Revenue System Integrations

Automated Scheduling of Reports to a Docyt Email Address in Fosse PMS

Steps for Auto Scheduling Reports to an Docyt Email in Fosse Property Management System (PMS)

To identify the email address in Docyt where auto scheduling needs to be set, follow these steps:

1. To access Docyt, begin by logging in and clicking on the Gear icon. From there, select 'Integrations' to proceed.

2. To find the business name, use the search function and click on the name in the Integration area.

3. Click on the ellipsis menu in the Fosse row.

Screenshot 1946-03-06 at 12.10.43 PM

4. Take note of the email address shown in the screenshot below. This is the email address where you should schedule the reports in Fosse PMS. Make sure to copy this email address.

To enable automatic scheduling of reports to be sent to the designated email address in Docyt, follow these steps in Fosse PMS

1. To access Fosse, log in to your account and go to the 'Back Office' section. From there, you can easily find and select 'Email Extract Data' to proceed.

2. Under 'Email Extract Data', choose 'Maintain Email Address Lists'.

3. Select the 'Daily Report Email Address List'.

4. Enter the email address where you want to send the Daily Report Data. This should be the Docyt email address mentioned in the integration area. Press 'F10' to save and update.

5. As shown in step 3 above, now select the 'Revenue Report Email Address List'.

6. Enter the email address where you want to send the Revenue Report Data. Again, this should be the Docyt email address from the integration area. Press 'F10' to save and update.

7. Return to the main menu and select 'Audit', then choose 'Report Spooler Log'. Select 'E' for 'Email Pack' and 'M' for 'Maintain Addresses'.

8. Add the Docyt email address to the email list and select 'F10' to save the changes.

9. Select 'L' to list the Email Pack.

10. Make sure that the following reports are included in the list: Daily Closing Report, Daily Closing Report Summary, and Revenue Report. Press 'F10' to update the list.

By following these steps, you will be able to set up automated scheduling for reports in Fosse PMS and ensure that they are sent to the specific email address in Docyt. This streamlined process will save you time and effort in managing and extracting the necessary data from these reports.