April 2024

April 2024 | What's New with Docyt?

Spring is here! 🌸 Do your finances need a little sprucing up? Explore our latest product updates from the past month.

Docyt Mobile App: Voice-to-Message Feature for Managing Flagged Transactions 💬

Managing flagged transactions is faster than ever, giving users an easy way to quickly respond to them from their mobile phones. Don’t have time to type out a detailed response? Respond by voice command. Instantly leave a voice message and mark the transaction as ‘Mark as Reviewed.’ Read More

Press Release Image Voice Assisted Flaggeed Transactions v2 (1)

(AI-Powered) 🤖 Line Item Extraction for Vendor Invoices 

Users can now enable automatic line item extraction for specific vendors. This update reduces time spent manually splitting or inputting data from vendor invoices and automatically assigns the correct COA or GL code to each line item. The AI will learn any changes you make to reduce manual effort further. This feature is only available for advanced plan users. Read More.

Line item extraction

Supercharge Your Search 🔎: Filter Categories, Documents, and More!

Docyt’s search bar just got an upgrade. In addition to searching for transactions, you can now scour your Docyt account for invoices, receipts, revenue reports, expense reports, bank statements, and more! Refine your results using advanced search filters like status, business, amount, date, and free-form text filters. Read More.


✅ Streamline Report Management with Bulk Download & Delete 

Automatically download or delete multiple reports with just a few clicks. No more tedious one-by-one actions - simply select the reports you need, then use the bulk-action feature to download them all at once. Additionally, get status updates on any of your exports to know when your download is in progress or complete. 

Download Monthly Reconciliation Reports 🌟

At month-end, you now have the option to download the reconciliation report in PDF format. This report includes bank statements, general ledger items, AR and AP reports, inventory, and payroll records in a simple consolidated report. Navigate to the "Reconciliation Center" module and select "Month-end Close."

Streamline Invoice Approvals by Department: Set up Routing Rules ❇️

Give your department heads greater visibility and control over expenses within their teams. To assign department-specific approval conditions, go to "Settings" under the "Expense Management" module, and under "Approval Rules" navigate to "Advanced Approval Rules” to assign department-specific conditions and users.