Vendors & Payees

AI Line Item Extraction

Our AI Line Item Extraction feature simplifies the handling of invoices by automatically extracting and categorizing line items for specific vendors


This advanced functionality is included as part of our Advanced Plan. If you're not currently on this plan but are interested in utilizing this feature, please reach out to our sales team for more information.

How It Works

Once you have enabled this feature for a vendor you'll see the extraction in action as it identifies each line item on the invoice, categorizes them, and assigns the correct General Ledger (GL) codes based on the learned chart of accounts. The system will display the extracted line items, their amounts, and the associated categories directly within the invoice details.


To activate AI Line Item Extraction for a vendor:

  1. Navigate to the "Vendors" module by clicking on "Expense Management" from the drop down menu. Select Vendors. Select "My Vendors".
    select my vendors
  2. Select a vendor.
    Select Vendor
  3. Click on the ellipses and select  "Edit Vendor Profile."
    Edit vendor profile
  4. Find the option labeled "AI Invoice Line Items Detection" and check the box.

  5. Click the blue "Save Payee" button.
  6. Once activated, it will display as "Active" for that specific vendor.
    AI Active on vendor