
Business Reports on iOS

iOS Docyt App

Navigating Reports

When you view a report on your mobile device, it will appear on a horizontal screen for improved visibility and readability. Please be aware that the orientation is fixed in landscape mode to enhance the viewing experience of these detailed reports

  1. To view an advanced report, go to your list of advanced reports and tap on the one you wish to view.
  2. The report will open horizontally, with a font size designed for readability. Refer to the designs on Figma for precise font and column sizes.
  3. Scroll horizontally to view the entire report.
  4. If you wish to return to your list of reports, press the back button. The list of advanced reports will be displayed as it was before you accessed the individual report.

Displaying Reports

The revamped report display includes several crucial elements for a more organized view.

  • Header: Business Name, Report Type (Not the report name), and Last reconciled date (top right).
  • Second row: Time-Frequency Selector (top left), Time Range (center), and Filter icon (top right).

Tapping on the filter icon, which is located at the top right of your screen, opens a bottom slider.

In terms of line items:

  • The leftmost side of the report shows line items, which can be expanded and collapsed like the web version.
  • Line items are collapsed by default.
  • The total for a group of line items is shown when it's in a collapsed state.
  • If the text is too long, it will be truncated.
  • Scroll horizontally to view columns that could not be displayed initially.
  • Numbers are not clickable, although they will be in the future for a drill-down view.

The row sizes have been designed to fit two lines for a line item for truncation purposes. If line items are longer than two lines, they will be truncated and ended with an ellipsis ("...").

Customizing Your Business Reports on Mobile

If your business report comes with customization options on our web app, these are now available on the mobile version.

Here's how you can access and use these features:

  1. Open the business report on your iOS device.
  2. Tap on the filter icon in the top right corner.
  3. You will see a list of customization options that match the web app.
  4. Select or unselect the options as needed.
  5. Tap the 'Apply' button.

If at least one filter is selected, the filter button will turn blue, and the app will hide or show the corresponding columns, just like the web app.

Please note that the 'hide zero rows' filter will be pre-selected by default.

Removing Customizations

If you'd like to remove all customizations from a report:

  1. Open the report on your iOS device.
  2. If the filter icon is blue, you have applied some customizations.
  3. Tap on the filter icon in the top right corner.
  4. Unselect all options.
  5. Tap the 'Apply' button.

The filter button will turn back to black, and the app will return the report to its default state.

Business Reports Without Customization Options

For business reports that do not have customization options on our web app, no customization options will appear when you tap on the filter icon on the mobile app. This means these reports are designed to be viewed as they are and cannot be customized.

Error Message

If you attempt to access a report on the mobile app that was created on the web but do not have permission to view it, an error message will be displayed.

The error message reads: "User does not have read permission to this report." You can click 'Dismiss' to close the error pop-up and stay on the current screen.

This enhancement brings us one step closer to providing our users with a seamless mobile and web experience. If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please contact our support team.