
How can I adjust my notification settings?

  1. Log into Your Docyt Account. Open the Docyt application or website and enter your login credentials.Sign in Page
  2. Adjust Notification Settings
    1. Access the settings by clicking on the gear icon.Gear Icon - Settings
  3. Navigate to the ‘Notifications’ tab on the left panel.
  4. Here, you can customize how and when you receive notifications from Docyt.
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5. For Financial Insights Email, users can configure the notifications settings for Financial Insights email, which can be triggered “Daily, Weekly and Monthy” for all the businesses the client has access to, and the client will get the updates on their email of the KPIs of their businesses.

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For each business, users can select a particular KPI dashboard from the list, as shown in the image below, to which they want to receive updates via email. Click on "Save" to save the changes. 

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