Chart of Accounts

Access to Chart of Accounts at Portfolio level

Previously, access of chart of account (COA) workflow involved navigating through the reconciliation center, then delving into the chart of accounts, and finally editing the chart of accounts for a specific business. To streamline this process and provide users with enhanced convenience, we've centralized all chart of accounts management at the portfolio level as you can see in the image below. This enhancement aims to enhance user convenience by offering a more sophisticated and simplified approach.

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This COA feature at the portfolio level also gives all necessary details as demonstrated in the Reconciliation Center COA. You will find here COA for all businesses.

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You can Add new chart of accounts using this updated COA feature at the portfolio level. To do so, simply follow the steps outlined below:


1. Click on "Add Chart of Accounts".

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2. Add all necessary details and select the business for which you intend to add the chart of accounts (COA).

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3. To include the business, please select it from the available lists as illustrated in the image.

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The selected business will be visible in the Business section.

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4. Click on "Add" to add the new category of COA. This action will direct you to a new window where the adding of new Chart of account is in the process. 

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You will se a message "Successfully Updated" after the new COA is added successfully.

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5. The newly created COA can now be viewed at the top of all COA lists. When you add the same chart of accounts (COA) to two businesses, you'll find it visible in two distinct places in this COA lists, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

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You can hover to the business column to see lists of business associated with the COA.

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6. Additionally, you can modify or remove the chart of accounts (COA) by selecting the "Edit" or "Delete" option, accessible through the three dots menu adjacent to the COA entry.

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You can also add Departments to the category.

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